Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB)

We provide the Planck 2013 CIB model. The following code is a little more verbose than typical Julia code, as one has to repeatedly specify the type Float32 when creating objects. This allows one to more easily fit the entire source catalog into memory.


using XGPaint, Plots, Pixell

# example , ra and dec in radians, halo mass in M200c (Msun)
ra, dec, redshift, halo_mass = XGPaint.load_example_halos()

# sort
ra, dec, redshift, halo_mass = sort_halo_catalog(ra, dec, redshift, halo_mass)

print("Number of halos: ", length(halo_mass))
 Downloading artifact: tsz_example
Number of halos: 2455621

Next, we'll generate a cosmology. Note how we use Float32 throughout.

cosmo = get_cosmology(h=0.6774f0, OmegaM=0.3075f0)
x, y, z = XGPaint.ra_dec_redshift_to_xyz(ra, dec, redshift, cosmo)
halo_pos = [x'; y'; z';]

model = CIB_Planck2013{Float32}()
  nside: Int64 4096
  min_redshift: Float32 0.0f0
  max_redshift: Float32 5.0f0
  min_mass: Float32 1.0f12
  box_size: Float32 40000.0f0
  shang_zplat: Float32 2.0f0
  shang_Td: Float32 20.7f0
  shang_beta: Float32 1.6f0
  shang_eta: Float32 2.4f0
  shang_alpha: Float32 0.2f0
  shang_Mpeak: Float32 1.9952623f12
  shang_sigmaM: Float32 0.3f0
  shang_Msmin: Float32 1.0f11
  shang_Mmin: Float32 1.0f10
  shang_I0: Float32 92.0f0
  jiang_gamma_1: Float32 0.13f0
  jiang_alpha_1: Float32 -0.83f0
  jiang_gamma_2: Float32 1.33f0
  jiang_alpha_2: Float32 -0.02f0
  jiang_beta_2: Float32 5.67f0
  jiang_zeta: Float32 1.19f0
@time sources = generate_sources(model, cosmo, halo_pos, halo_mass);
fluxes_cen = Array{Float32, 1}(undef, sources.N_cen)
fluxes_sat = Array{Float32, 1}(undef, sources.N_sat)

using Pixell
box = [4.5   -4.5;           # RA
       -3     3] *  # DEC
shape, wcs = geometry(CarClenshawCurtis{Float64}, box, 0.5 * Pixell.arcminute)
m = Enmap(zeros(Float32, shape), wcs)
XGPaint.paint!(m, 143.0f0 * 1.0f9, model, sources, fluxes_cen, fluxes_sat)
plot(log10.(m), c=:coolwarm)
Example block output

Sources from HDF5

To work with the Websky halo catalogs, you can't just use the example catalogs! One first loads the halo positions and masses into memory with read_halo_catalog_hdf5. This package uses halo positions in the shape $(3, N_{\mathrm{halos}})$, where the first dimension is the Cartesian coordinates $x, y, z$.

using XGPaint
using Healpix

## Load halos from HDF5 files, establish a CIB model and cosmology
websky_directory = "/global/cfs/cdirs/sobs/www/users/Radio_WebSky"
halo_pos, halo_mass = read_halo_catalog_hdf5(

Now one specifes the background cosmology with get_cosmology and the source model CIB_Planck2013.

# configuration objects
cosmo = get_cosmology(Float32; h=0.7, OmegaM=0.25)
model = CIB_Planck2013{Float32}()

# generate sources (healpix pixel, luminosities, etc. 
@time sources = generate_sources(model, cosmo, halo_pos, halo_mass);

This sources is a NamedTuple with arrays for centrals,

  • hp_ind_cen: healpix index of the central
  • lum_cen: luminosity of the central
  • redshift_cen: redshift of the central
  • dist_cen: distance to the central

There are additionally arrays for the satellites,

  • hp_ind_sat: healpix index of the satellite
  • lum_sat: luminosity of the satellite
  • redshift_sat: redshift of the satellite
  • dist_sat: distance to the satellite

There are also two integers in sources for the total number of centrals N_cen and total number of satellites N_sat.


Once these sources are generated, one needs to create some buffer arrays for map-making. The fluxes of the centrals and satellites are deposited into these arrays, before the map is generated.

# Create some empty arrays for the fluxes to be deposited
fluxes_cen = Array{Float32, 1}(undef, sources.N_cen)
fluxes_sat = Array{Float32, 1}(undef, sources.N_sat)
m = HealpixMap{Float64,RingOrder}(model.nside)  # create a Healpix map

These arrays are used by paint! to create maps. We then save those to disk. We add a time macro to get some info on how long it takes. Note that with NERSC's notoriously slow filesystem, writing to disk can take as long as generating the maps!

for freq in ["100", "143", "217" "353", "545"]
    @time paint!(m, parse(Float32, freq) * 1.0f9, model, 
        sources, fluxes_cen, fluxes_sat)
    saveToFITS(m, "!/global/cscratch1/sd/xzackli/cib/cib$(freq).fits")

Custom Models

You can make changes while reusing the XGPaint infrastructure by using Julia's multiple dispatch. Create a custom type that inherits from AbstractCIBModel. You must import the function you want to replace, and then write your own version of the function which dispatches on your custom type.

 # import AbstractCIBModel and the functions you want to replace
import XGPaint: AbstractCIBModel, shang_z_evo 
using Parameters, Cosmology

# write your own type that is a subtype of AbstractCIBModel
@with_kw struct CustomCIB{T<:Real} <: AbstractCIBModel{T} @deftype T
    nside::Int64    = 4096
    hod::String     = "shang"
    Inu_norm     = 0.3180384
    min_redshift = 0.0
    max_redshift = 5.0
    min_mass     = 1e12
    box_size     = 40000

    # shang HOD
    shang_zplat  = 2.0
    shang_Td     = 20.7
    shang_beta   = 1.6
    shang_eta    = 2.4
    shang_alpha  = 0.2
    shang_Mpeak  = 10^12.3
    shang_sigmaM = 0.3
    shang_Msmin  = 1e11
    shang_Mmin   = 1e10
    shang_I0     = 46

    # jiang
    jiang_gamma_1    = 0.13
    jiang_alpha_1    = -0.83
    jiang_gamma_2    = 1.33
    jiang_alpha_2    = -0.02
    jiang_beta_2     = 5.67
    jiang_zeta       = 1.19

# dispatch on custom type CustomCIB. this particular change sets L=0
function shang_z_evo(z::T, model::CustomCIB) where T
    return zero(T)

# make a cosmology and our custom source model
cosmo = get_cosmology(Float32; h=0.7, OmegaM=0.3)
custom_model = CustomCIB{Float32}()

# for this test, do it only on a subset of the halos
sources = generate_sources(custom_model, cosmo, halo_pos[:,1:10], halo_mass[1:10])


This particular change zeros out the luminosities, and indeed you should see the result is an array of zeroes.